3rd Semester- English for International and European Studies (ΔΕΣΕΠ95)

Irene Mamakou, Senior Teaching Fellow


This course presents some major concepts encountered in political analysis. Each concept is defined clearly and fully. It familiarizes students with some global issues for class discussion (Women’s Liberation-the Feminist Movement, Talking about Great National Figures. The Role of Religion in International Relations: Secular vs. Theocratic States, The birth of FYROM’s appellation saga.) It also introduces to students the concrete skills needed in making effective academic oral presentations.

The weekly face-to-face sessions are intended to familiarize students with academic literacy and engage them in academic discourse, both oral and written, by exploiting online resources. Students will be encouraged to develop skills which are fundamental to academic life and professional career such as writing a cv and cover letter, identifying the role of discussion gambits in academic discourse, understanding mass media English, developing purposeful paragraphs, carrying strong arguments, debatin
