Franchising |
---| On-line magazine about the franchise business in Greece. Provides useful links to franchise business around the world. | Information about buying a franchise provided by HSBC Bank | Top franchise opportunities. Variety of franchise categories (financial services, health & beauty, coffee, cleaning, fast-food). | A Greek up-to-date portal about franchising business. | "Franchise Success", on-line magazine about franchise business. |
How to write a list of Bibliographies/References |
From the menu buttons on the left, select the "References" button (pink) and read through the various categories of sources to find out how you should write each one of them under your list of bibliographies. It is also very enlightning to do the exercises by clicking on "Exercises" on the top horizontal bar (especially Exercise 3-writing a list of references (mixed)). |
How to write an APA style bibliography | The MLA (Modern Language Association) citation and format style | How to cite something that is cited-APA | Chicago Manual of Style 16th Edition | APA Style Tutorial | Linking Words |
Paraphrasing |
Steps to Effective Paraphrasing |
Note-Taking |
Vocabulary Resources |
Unit 7 Finance: Stocks and Shares |
Describing Graphs, Tables and Charts |
Slide presentation by SlideShare |
Academic Discussion Classes |
Units 30 & 32: Multinational corporations and the Third World |
Death Penalty |
Unit 15-Lifelong Learning |
Eurydice-Network on Education |
Europa_Education, Training & Youth | Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union - Articles 165-166 (education, vocational training, youth & sport) | Unit 4 Mass Media |
The five paragraph argumentative essay |
Unit 2 Boardroom Culture Clash |
Cultural mistakes in the International Business |
The Challenges of Intercultural Business Communication | Cross Cultural Etiquette- movie_Mr Baseball | The Cultural Iceberg | Video on Greek business culture | Paragraph Structure |